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Site Address vDateRatingCountryCategorySub CategoryLanguage
4/15/20088 CharityOrganisationEnglish
" embraces the education, training and support of young people with the principles of Loving Kindness, which will result in Peaceful Youth. Young people are the next generation, so if you have Peaceful Youth, ultimately you have a peaceful world."      
6/4/20067United Kingdom (Great Britain)SportCyclingEnglish
To find your local cycle group and more.      
3/17/20087 EducationCoursesEnglish
Internationally recognised Diploma, Bachelors and Masters courses, available wherever you are in the world by distance learning & flexible study with the University of London.      
 8 JobsGeneralEnglish
Great collection of job ads mainly in the UK by the Evening Standard.      
 6 EntertainmentTheatreEnglish
Cheap theatre tickets in London. Tel. 0207 851 0300      
3/24/20078 HealthAlternativeEnglish
We offer a wide variety of alternative health techniques and treatments, including Reflexology, Thai Yoga Massage, Iridology, Pilates, beauty treatments and lifestyle coaching and support this with a wealth of information on the available services.      
 8 TravelGeneralEnglish
London TravelWatch - the voice of London's transport users. Suggestions and complaints regarding the transport services.      
 6 TravelGuideEnglish
A very popular (a bit too much) travel guide among Europeans.      
 7United Kingdom (Great Britain)MagazineOnline AdsEnglish
Buy and sell everything. Great for finding accomodation in London.      
11/24/20077 EnvironmentRecyclingEnglish
If you usually waste a lot of food visit this site.      

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