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10/18/20078 WebDevelopmentEnglish
HTML Kit is a full-featured free editor for HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and other text files. Over 400 plugins are available for it, including HTML Tidy for creating standards -compliant web pages.
9/3/20068 InformationTimeEnglish
A great idea to show the time!!
4/26/20098 WebDesigner ResourcesEnglish
Free icons.
9/10/20078 WebDevelopmentEnglish
Icons for your applications. The current price per icon is only €1.18 £0.79 $1.58.
4/15/20078 InformationNewsEnglish
International Herald Tribune. Most notably on this website is the incredibly good design. Resizable text and speech recognition at a click of a button!
Buon sito per le previsioni meteo in Italia.
L’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa è un centro per lo studio e la pratica del buddhismo tibetano ubicato in Toscana nel paese di Pomaia.
9/13/20078 WebDesigner ResourcesEnglish
Free images.
2/26/20078ItalyOnline ShopGeneralItalian
Ottimi prezzi per CD/DVD/Giochi/Libri...
DVD a basso costo.

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